Professional presentation graphics creation and content
Presentation graphics are tools to inspire change in your audience.
Your Dilemma
You probably have 30 to 40 minutes to deliver your presentation.
Money has been spent to bring you and your audience together.
You have selected the right suit, the right haircut, and you have
a good idea of what you need to say. But your words need the support
of the quality presentation on the screen behind you.
You would like to have the confidence that when you walk onto the stage that you will have an impressive presentation that supports your end goal.
Your Solution
E-mail Loree Nelson to reduce the stress of your presentation
development, and deliver a presentation that your audience will
want to see! I will deliver to you a presentation that fits your
budget, your image and a turnaround that fits your needs.
My Sales Pitch
Professional consultation and the creation of presentation graphics
improves the final message comprehension by the audience. Often
the best investment in a presentation is not the software purchased
to create it, or the travel costs to bring the audience together,
or the even the ability to add large variety of clip art . . . it is the development
of the presentation message and successful visualization in the
Loree Nelson has supplied this service to Fortune 500 executives from corporations such as Hewlett-Packard, John Hancock, Compaq, Samsonite, General Electric, Digital Equipment Corporation, Westinghouse, American Express, Kodak, Data General, Gillette, EMC and many more. Presentation projects include online presentations, sales kits, CDs, announcements and sales events. Services range from event customer service and coordination, to content development, to template design, to presentation production and backstage work at the event.
Loree's experience includes an extensive background in professional photography, computer graphics training, customer service and sales, production management and organizational development.
For more information:
Services details deliverables and background.
Portfolio displays design samples and past project descriptions.
Production Status
Each client has a dedicated web page. (Password required)
Displays current jobs-in-progress status
Client file archive
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Adventures Loree's adventures. (Password required)
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